      Access Your Loan Account Online

      Customer accessing my.peppermoney online account

       Estimated read time: 2 Minutes

      my.peppermoney is our customer platform, giving you greater control over your loan with us. It allows you to view your up-to-date loan details, transaction history and the ability to change your payment and personal details.

      How can I access my.peppermoney?

      You can access my.peppermoney from your smartphone, computer or tablet. Just visit or click the ‘login’ button across our site.

      my.peppermoney is secure

      Is it secure?

      Sure is. You’ll need to login with your details provided on settlement, or when your account was transferred over. For added security, we’ll also send a one-time-passcode to your registered mobile number each time you login. You’ll need to provide this code to access your account details.

      What can I do on my.peppermoney?

      Welcome to your new homepage. Let’s take a look around.

      my.peppermoney homepage
      Loan Cards
      On your loan card(s), you’ll see a summary of your next payment date, your outstanding loan balance, and your progress towards paying off your loan.
      Quick Actions
      We’ve provided quick actions to our online self-service options allowing you to; manage your direct debit details, update your payment frequency, view your transaction history and your user profile.
      News and offers
      Here you’ll find a selection of insightful articles from the team at Pepper Money. We’ll provide regularly updated tips, insights and articles to help you on your loan journey. There might just be a special offer in here every now and then, too.
      Need help?
      There’s no harm in asking for help. Here’s a selection of commonly asked questions about managing your loan.

      Your detailed loan account

      You can quickly view your loan account details and transaction history by clicking on ‘Accounts’ in the header, ‘View loan details’ on your loan tile or ‘View transactions’ under quick links on the homepage.

      Here you’ll be able to see more about your loan with us. Key information you can see:

      my.peppermoney loan account page
      Your progress towards paying off your loan
      The due date and direct debit amount of your next payment
      The amount outstanding on your loan balance
      The initial amount you borrowed from us
      The date your loan commitment will end
      Your repayment frequency (this can be changed by clicking on ‘Manage payment frequency’)
      Your account number
      Detailed view of each transaction on your loan account
      Quick actions to change your direct debit details, manage your payment frequency and view a payout figure
      Barry Saoud - Pepper Money General Manager, Mortgages and Commercial Lending

      Contributor | Barry Saoud, General Manager, Mortgages and Commercial Lending

      Barry joined Pepper Money in July 2021 as General Manager, Mortgages and Commercial Lending. He is responsible for the strategic direction and operating performance across product, credit, and settlements for mortgages, commercial loans, personal loans, and direct sales. Read more.

      Apply for a Pepper Money Home Loan

      Want to find out where you stand?

      We've got the online tools and calculators to help get your home loan journey underway. Work out how much you may be able to borrow and even quickly find out what indicative interest rate you might be eligible for.

      Get in touch with a Lending Specialist

      Tell us about your situation. The more we learn, the better we can help.